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Eyelid hygiene

Eyelid Care and Hygiene: Our Advanced Solutions at CARE

A woman is cleaning a man eyelashes

Eyelid hygiene

Eyelid Care and Hygiene: Our Advanced Solutions at CARE

Regular eyelid cleansing removes bacteria and debris, preventing eye infections and inflammation.


Recovery time


Number of treatments required

1 to 2 times a year

Duration of treatment

30 minutes


Eyelid Hygiene and Blepharitis Treatment at Clinique CARE

At Clinique CARE, we understand the crucial importance of rigorous eyelid hygiene in preventing and treating various eye conditions such as blepharitis, including demodex blepharitis. We offer state-of-the-art solutions to maintain the health of your eyelids through specialized and advanced treatments.

Eyegiene treatment

The Eyegiene treatment is a complete solution for eyelid hygiene. It includes:

  • Deep cleansing: We use specific solutions to thoroughly cleanse the eyelids, removing bacteria and debris.
  • Photobiomodulation (LLLT): This treatment uses low-energy LED lights to reduce inflammation and eradicate bacteria, improving the health of the Meibomian glands and eyelids.

Zocular ZEST treatment

A woman is putting something in a man's eye.

Zocular 's ZEST (Zocular Eyelid System Treatment) is designed for effective eyelid hygiene:

  • Herbal cleanser: Use of a gentle yet powerful herbal cleansing gel to target debris and pathogens on the eyelids.
  • Gentle exfoliation: Exfoliation of the eyelids to remove dead cells and residues, helping to unclog the Meibomian glands and reduce inflammation.
  • Photobiomodulation (LLLT): Combined with ZEST treatment, this technique reduces inflammation and promotes tissue healing.

Nulids treatment

A woman getting her IPL done by a woman in a black shirt.

Nulids is a manual eyelid cleansing system that includes :

  • Mechanical exfoliation: Use a soft brush to exfoliate the eyelids and remove debris and excess sebum.
  • Meibomius Gland Stimulation: Improves gland secretion by stimulating gland activity, helping to restore tear quality.
  • Photobiomodulation (LLLT): Combining Nulids with LLLT helps reduce inflammation and kill bacteria, optimizing treatment results.

Eyelid Hygiene: Regular Care

Maintaining good eyelid hygiene should be as regular as dental cleanings. We recommend professional cleanings every six months to a year, depending on the level of blepharitis. At home, the use of eyelid wipes is comparable to daily tooth brushing, while our in-clinic treatments are the equivalent of professional scaling.

Blepharitis and Demodex blepharitis

Blepharitis is a chronic inflammation of the eyelids that can cause redness, itching and crusting around the eyelashes. Demodex blepharitis is caused by an infestation of tiny mites called demodex, which live in hair follicles and sebaceous glands. Our treatments are particularly effective against demodex, reducing the risk of future complications.

Treatment for Rosacea Facialis and Rosacea Ocularis

People suffering from facial rosacea and ocular rosacea often have an imbalance in the skin's normal flora, putting them at greater risk of demodex infestations. Our eyelid hygiene treatments help restore this balance and prevent these infestations, offering significant relief.

Book your complete dry eye evaluation

Every eye is unique, and at CARE, we understand that. If dry eye is affecting you, it's time to explore a solution that's right for you. Book an assessment with our experts and start your journey to renewed eye comfort.

A woman is cleaning a man eyelashes

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