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Dilation and Irrigation

Dilation and Irrigation

A person getting dilation and irrigation

Dilation and Irrigation

Dilation and Irrigation

Dilatation and irrigation of the tear ducts are essential procedures for unblocking the tear drainage system, thus reducing excessive tearing and eye infections.


Recovery time

None - A few days

Number of treatments required

1 treatment

Duration of treatment

30 minutes


Dilatation and Irrigation at the CARE Clinic

Dilatation and irrigation of the tear ducts are essential procedures for treating obstructions in the tear drainage system, often responsible for conditions such as epiphora (excessive tearing) and recurrent eye infections. At Clinique CARE, we use advanced techniques to ensure the effectiveness and safety of these treatments, enhancing our patients' ocular comfort.

How does Expansion and Irrigation work?

The dilation and irrigation process includes several crucial steps:

  1. Puncta dilatation: An eye care professional uses a dilator to widen the openings of the puncta (small openings in the corners of the eyelids).
  2. Probing: A fine instrument is inserted into the lacrimal drainage system to identify and remove obstructions.
  3. Irrigation: Sterile saline solution is injected through the tear ducts to ensure that the system is clear and functional.

This procedure unblocks blocked tear ducts, improving tear flow and reducing symptoms of irritation and infection.

Indications for Expansion and Irrigation

Dilatation and irrigation are recommended in several situations:

  • Canalicular obstruction: obstructions of the tear ducts can cause excessive tearing and infections.
  • Removing tear plugs: Tear plugs inserted to treat dry eye may sometimes need to be removed.
  • Canaliculitis: Inflammation of the tear ducts requiring careful irrigation to eliminate pathogens.

Treatment benefits

  • Non-invasive: The procedure is generally well tolerated and minimally invasive.
  • Fast relief: Patients often experience immediate relief from their symptoms after the procedure.
  • Effectiveness: The combination of dilatation, probing and irrigation ensures effective removal of obstructions and improves tear drainage.

Post-procedure care and follow-up

After the procedure, it is important to follow the care instructions:

  • Use of Antibiotic Drops: To prevent post-procedural infection.
  • Regular follow-up: Follow-up visits may be necessary to monitor progress and ensure that channels remain clear.

Book your complete dry eye evaluation

Every eye is unique, and at CARE, we understand that. If dry eye is affecting you, it's time to explore a solution that's right for you. Book an assessment with our experts and start your journey to renewed eye comfort.

A person getting dilation and irrigation

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