iLux treatment: Innovation to overcome dry eyes

The iLux treatment at CARE offers an effective solution for people suffering from Meibomian gland dystrophy, a common cause of dry eyes. This innovative technology uses controlled heat to unblock the Meibomian glands, promoting better lubrication and increased comfort for your eyes.

ilux treatment details at a glance

Recovery time


Number of treatments required

Depending on the therapeutic plan, iLux treatment can be combined with other types of treatment, such as pulsed light. This integrated approach is designed to maximize treatment efficacy and offer a complete solution for dry eyes.

Duration of treatment

30 minutes


Is iLux treatment painful?

iLux treatment is generally well tolerated by most patients. It has been designed to be comfortable, minimizing any unpleasant sensations during the process.

How long does it take to notice an improvement?

Patients may begin to experience an improvement in their dry eye symptoms a few days to a few weeks after treatment.

How long do treatment results last?

The beneficial effects of iLux treatment can last from 1 to 2 years, depending on the patient's specific condition.

Book a dry eye evaluation

Every eye is unique, and at CARE, we understand that. If dry eye is affecting you, it's time to explore a solution that's right for you. Book an assessment with our experts and start your journey to renewed eye comfort.
