Eyelid Care and Hygiene: Our Advanced Solutions at CARE

At CARE, we offer specialized treatments for the health of your eyelids, including deep cleansing with Zocular's ZEST and dilation and irrigation methods. These targeted treatments ensure optimal eyelid hygiene, contributing to the prevention and treatment of various eye disorders.

Eyelid hygiene

Take care of your eyes with our advanced solutions for impeccable eyelid hygiene

Eyelid cleansing with ZEST

Zocular's ZEST (Zocular Eyelid System Treatment) is an innovative approach to eyelid hygiene. It uses a unique formulation based on natural ingredients to gently and effectively cleanse the eyelids, reducing the discomfort and symptoms associated with eye disorders.

Expansion and irrigation

Dilatation and irrigation treatment is a procedure designed to unblock blocked tear ducts. This method involves gently widening the ducts followed by irrigation to improve tear drainage and relieve dry eye symptoms.


What are the benefits of professional eyelid cleaning like Zocular's ZEST?

Professional eyelid cleansing with Zocular's ZEST effectively removes impurities and excessive secretions, reducing the risk of infection and irritation. This method is ideal for maintaining optimal eyelid hygiene, especially for people suffering from conditions such as blepharitis.

What is the procedure for dilating and irrigating the tear ducts?

Tear duct dilatation and irrigation are medical procedures designed to widen narrow or blocked tear ducts and clean them out. This method restores proper tear drainage, essential for eye comfort and health.

When is dilatation and irrigation recommended?

Dilatation and irrigation are generally recommended for patients who experience persistent symptoms of dry eye or discomfort related to blocked or narrowed tear ducts. These symptoms may include dryness, burning, excessive tearing or recurrent infections.

Book a dry eye evaluation

Every eye is unique, and at CARE, we understand that. If dry eye is affecting you, it's time to explore a solution that's right for you. Book an assessment with our experts and start your journey to renewed eye comfort.
