Photobiomodulation (LLLT): A Ray of Relief for your dry eyes

At CARE, we're proud to offer LLLT photobiomodulation, a gentle, innovative approach that directly targets inflammation and promotes natural hydration of your eyes.

LLLT: Complementary roles of Blue and Red Light

In LLLT photobiomodulation, blue light is used for its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, offering relief from dry eye symptoms. At the same time, red light promotes cell regeneration and improves blood circulation in ocular tissues, contributing to better long-term eye health.

Light therapy treatment details at a glance (LLLT)

Recovery time


Number of treatments required

According to the therapeutic plan.

Duration of treatment

15 min


What is LLLT photobiomulation and how does it work to treat dry eyes?

Photobiomulation LLLT (Low-Level Light Therapy) is a non-invasive method using specific wavelengths of light to treat dry eye.

What are the advantages of LLLT photobiomulation over other dry eye treatments?

LLLT photobiomulation stands out for its non-invasive approach and absence of significant side effects.

How many LLLT sessions are usually required?

The number of sessions required varies with each patient and the severity of their symptoms. In general, an initial treatment of several sessions, followed by maintenance sessions, is recommended.

Book a dry eye evaluation

Every eye is unique, and at CARE, we understand that. If dry eye is affecting you, it's time to explore a solution that's right for you. Book an assessment with our experts and start your journey to renewed eye comfort.
